Everyday communication from my desk during my 10 minute Break.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

This is my 10 minute break...

Actually, my 10 minute break was at 9:50 AM EST, but I didnt start this until now. Screw work, I take my break when I feel like it.

Im going to use this space to write stuff on a daily basis, and I have no direction as far as content, so I'll just write whatver comes comes to mind during my measly 10 minute break. It used to be a 15 minute break, but my boss cut it down to 10... trying to make us more productive. Way to stimulate the work force. I actually consider this 10 minute break a 1 minute break. Let me explain.

- The bell rings and the timer starts.
- It takes almost a minute just to get away from what you are doing. Wash your hands, Save a file. Anything like that. 9 mins.
- By the time you go to the coffee truck, pick out what you want and pay youve blown at least 3 minutes. 9-3= 6 mins.
- Sit down and stretch your legs and breathe for1 minute. 6-1 =5 mins.
- Eat, drink and maybe talk. Another 3 minutes minimum. 2 if you dont talk, and dont chew. 5-3= 2 mins.
- TWO MINUTE WARNING BELL!!! They want you to get up at this bell and start going back to your work area... They are stealing 2 minutes from your 10 minute break. What kind of crap is this! I see guys choking down food as soon as this bell sounds... There is hardly a minute to do the heimlich or CPR. You might not be at your work area in time. At least there will be an open spot in the parking lot tomorrow!

So instead of going through that stupid routine... I'll start a new stupid routine, and write about whatever people write about on these blogs, and do it all on my 10 minute break.


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