Everyday communication from my desk during my 10 minute Break.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Scarecrow... Badass of Oz.

"You want some Lead, Tinman....?" says the Scarecrow, using the Lion as a human shield. "I didn't fucking think so... Step off bitch."

We've all seen the Wizard of Oz. To some people this is a classic and one of their favorite films. I happen to enjoy the magic of Oz immensely myself. But the last time I watched it, I noticed something strange... No not the guy who killed himself in the woods, or the fact that they all get doped up in a field of poppy's and pass out.

It was the Scarecrow.
That straw stuffed gangsta was strapped!

How could I have not noticed this before? Ive seen this movie dozens of times, surely one of those times I would have noticed him carrying a gun . When I think about it, Scarecrow always seemed like a bit of a pussy to me, but now, I had a new found respect for him.

FACT: You can't fuck with the Scarecrow.

Here's a guy thats been crucified in a field for god knows what, goes on a road trip with a 15 year old girl, Gets set on fire a few times and shrugs it off, and is backed up by a heartless axe wielding loner in full body armor, and a freakin' Lion! Plus, he's brandishing a Six Shooter and he's got no brain. He's a mindless killing machine! No wonder he took over as the leader of Oz. Beneath that goofy exterior , he was 100% pure badass. Born in the country, educated on the streets (or the Road, but its the same thing).

Now I know why they sent him and his crew to kill the witch, these guys are pros.

I think the next time they want to make a Bad Boys movie, do it about the Scarecrow and Tinman. They dont come any badder.

You can find out more about this at:
Everybody Run, The Scarecrow Of Oz Has A Gun!!!
Wizard of Oz, The - Tin Man's Tools


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