Everyday communication from my desk during my 10 minute Break.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

So much for my 10 minute break idea....

Okay, So I admit it.

I fucked up.

I slacked off.

So what? You gonna do something about it bitch?

Thats what I thought... now sit down and shut up.... and of course, read on.

I figured I might as well start back up on my blog. I mean everyone has one, and if you dont, well then, what good are you. I know no one reads this thing, as I am just one blog in a sea of blogs. A drop in the bucket that is the mighty internet. But maybe my ramblings will be found by someone, and I will somehow touch thier soul and change the world.

Or a meteor will hit the earth, and all this electronic mumbo jumbo will be wiped out in one fell swoop. Not just my blog, but all fucking blogs. Every single bit of useless ranting, fanboy argument bullshit and porn will be gone. Oh yeah, and that other thing too, whats it called? Oh yeah, thats right, Life. No more life on the planet either. Except the roaches. And they will kill themselves, because there is no internet, and no porn and no blogs to read.

I am in a mood today for a reason that is neither rational nor in my power to change. My mind is all screwed up.

And I did none of this on my 10 minute break.


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