Everyday communication from my desk during my 10 minute Break.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Who am I?

Well, the whole truthful thing didnt happen, I guess I was just lying to myself about that...

My depression is coming back, albiet in smaller controllable fits. It weird how I can love my family and resent them at the same time. This life I have built keeps me from living the life I want. Its my prison. Now more than ever I am struggling with my identity.... who the fuck am I?

I look back and there is no clear definition. Who in my life 10 years ago remembers who I am? Have I left any kind of mark or legacy?

With so many people out there doing so many things, I feel like the ultimate man in the middle, lost amongst everything, easily dissmissed and forgotten. I have yet to do anything of substance, and Im figuring I never will, nothing positive at least. I still want to go to Australia... just me alone, and see what happens. 10 fucking dys in my life, is that too much to ask for?

Why is it wrong to want something for myself...something I dont have to share?

Oh yeah..and I may lose my job soon... hoo-fuckin'-ray.

Cancer, take me away....