Everyday communication from my desk during my 10 minute Break.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Trouble with Lying

When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lies and, oh brother
You’re in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks won’t suspect you
Then you tell six lies and you’ll collect
A life filled with worries and fears
‘Cause you can’t remember how many lies you’ve told
And half the things you say aren’t true
And sometime you’ll slip up, you’ll trip up and then
Whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
‘Till the whole wide world will know you’re lying
Then you’ll be
And you should!
When you lie, you’re closing the door
On everything good

I remember this song, mostly becasue it had always applied to me. The Church of Latter DAt Saints meant it as a PSA to keep kids from lying. I always was kind of fond of the little jingle. I guess the message was lost on me. Here I am now, 31 years old, and I still lie to pretty much everyone around me, and fucking effortlessly too. I will admit, its more to strangers and people I have just met than to my family and friends..... but still...

I guess Im just a liar at heart. Thats why I am such shit, and hate myself. Im going to try to be more truthful.... which means hurting some people.... probably to the point in which they will never speak to me again. Tarnishing my reputation and making me an asshole in the eyes of many internet friends.

Sad thing is, some of these people are better than my real life friends... what have I done?


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